From Stubborn to Soft: The Collaborative Horsemanship 101
The Collaborative Horsemanship 101 mini-clinic is all about transforming your relationship with your horse, one practical step at a time. This mini-clinic introduces a partnership-based approach that goes beyond traditional training, where both horse and rider feel connected and understood. You'll learn foundational techniques to engage even the most unresponsive horse, turning resistance into willingness and tension into trust. By following these guided steps, you’ll build a strong bond, gain control without conflict, and create a horse that’s as eager to work with you as you are with them. Ready to experience a new level of horsemanship? Press play to begin your journey toward true partnership!

Welcome to the Cowboy Campus Club
Imagine riding a horse that responds to the slightest cue, feels safe under saddle, and is eager to partner with you. If you've struggled with a horse that seems stubborn, unresponsive, or even a bit intimidating, you're not alone. Many horsemen and women find themselves feeling stuck, trying tool after tool without seeing the results they hope for.
That’s where The Cowboy Campus Club comes in. Inside, I work with riders just like you to help build confidence and create lasting changes in your horse's behaviour—without the need for a bigger bit, sharper spurs, or constant battles. Together, we’ll work on transforming your horse from dull and stubborn to soft, responsive, and willing.
If you're ready to leave behind frustration and find that safe, connected partnership you've always wanted, The Cowboy Campus Club is waiting for you. Join us today and start your journey toward a better ride!
"So, What Exactly Is The Cowboy Campus Club?"
The Cowboy Campus Club is Keith’s group coaching program, where you receive both content and coaching! Our program is unlike any other in the horsemanship space because it includes 1-1 guidance from Keith as well as a large content library and new content monthly! Each month a new mini-clinic is dropped where Keith helps you to master a new skill or problem-solve. Upon enrolling, you’ll receive instant access to Keith’s four-part Key Ranch College training program, over a dozen mini-clinics, plus fun bonus series like the Cowboy Book Club, History & Horsemanship episodes, and more.
But the part members love the most is the coaching element. Within the members-only Facebook group, you can ask Keith your horsemanship questions and even submit a video for him to watch and review. Keith will then answer your question via video, and it will appear in the Cowboy Campus Club Members' Questions section. And don’t worry, you can ask your questions anonymously if you choose. In addition to receiving Keith's guidance on their issues, members are able to suggest what topics they'd like to see mini-clinics filmed on, so the club is totally customized to members.
Jen T, AB
"Great videos! Enjoyed watching them and applying the components to my horsemanship!
I have taken personal lessons from Keith and have worked through the online courses. Changed my relationship with my horse and truthfully my life too.
Thank you Keith for all you’ve done for me!"
Michelle B, AB
"The Cowboy campus club is the best thing you can invest in. keith is simply the best. sign up now and you'll learn so much."
Marcus E, BC
Hey Keith, just wanted to say great job on the Cowboy Campus!
Awesome videos with lots of good information! Love how you explain things and really good editing on the videos!
Can't wait to purchase more of your courses and hopefully come out this summer to do a clinic of yours!
The Key Ranch College Training Program
When you have a regular horsemanship program, you no longer get stuck in the frustration of spinning your wheels. You feel empowered, guided and confident in yourself and your ability to train your horse! You have an outlined system to follow, and guidance is just a click away.
You’ll never be on your own – I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way. This is a flexible group coaching program that’s designed to work with YOUR schedule. Plus, the moment you join, you’ll become part of a supportive community of people who share your values and your passion for the western lifestyle.

I'm Here To Support You!
It doesn't matter whether you’re new to horsemanship or have been riding for years. Wherever you are now, the guidance and resources I share in the Cowboy Campus Club will teach you how to create results in your horse.
If you want a simple-to-follow and fun program to change old habits and master horsemanship, then the Cowboy Campus Club is for you!
If you want an awesome community of horsemen and women who share your values and passion, then the Cowboy Campus Club is for you!
If you want to spend less time scrolling on Instagram, Facebook and other social platforms and more time learning, exploring and enjoying the western world, then the Cowboy Campus Club is for you.
If you want the guidance of having a trainer working one on one with you, but without the expensive price tag, the Cowboy Campus Club is for you.